"A long time ago, Designer TJP helped fabricate Licensed Production Vaders at MBPfx.com for Clients like Fry's Electronics"


Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP
Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP
Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP

Darth Vader Cape 100% Wool w Black Vinyl Trim (top & bottom) & Painted Metal Chain

Get ready to immerse yourself into the Dark Side of The Force with a 4 panel widespread Darth Vader Cape from Costume Designer TJP! The Cape is fully lined on the inside with 100% Black Wool on the outside. Comes with Movie Accurate Black (faux leather) trim around the neck and along the Vader Cape bottom. The Cape closes with a carefully painted black metal chain, approx 12" inches (30.48 cm) in length (for you to trim down to your favorite Star Wars movie version). Sized to fit most Adult Large Males (6 feet tall and up), the height of the Darth Vader Cape is approx. 62.5" inches (158.7 cm) tall. With a fearsome "cape wingspan" over 9.5' feet (2.896 meters), your Sith Lord room entry presence will dominate any Imperial Fleet meeting.

Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP
Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP

Get your Vader Cape today then confront those who've disappointed you for the last time!

19.95 will ship this Darth Vader Cape to anywhere in the USA. International Buyers please add an additional 74.40 to the shipping cost. Canada pays a lower Shipping Cost (64.50) due to their Close Allied Proximity. Cheers!

Designer notes the materials and colors used in the fabrication of the Darth Vader Cape are subject to change, without notice, depending on the availability of fabric materials downtown.

Darth Vader 4 Panel Wool Cape_  $249.00 US Dollars      Style Number_dvcape_wool_lg_061

for Buyers in the USA
for International Buyers
for Buyers in Canada

Please allow 3 to 4 working days from time of your PayPal payment to ship out your Darth Vader Cape.
All sales are final. Ask anything on your mind before purchasing this item. Thank you.

small image Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP small image
Darth Vader Cape fabricated on Earth in the USA, The Dark side of the force, Sith Lord, Designer TJP, Star Wars, ANH, ESB, ROTJ, ROTS, #DarthVaderCape, #WoolCape, #TheDarksideoftheforce, #SithLord, #DesignerTJP, #StarWars, #ANH, #ESB, #ROTJ, #ROTS, #AnakinSkywalker, #TheEmperialFleet
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Darth Vader Cape by Designer TJP who is The Costume Pimp of Hollywood.

Category Keywords Descriptions and Hastags: "Darth Vader, Star Wars, ANH, ESB, A Jedi's Revenge, Episode III, Rogue One, The Force, Sith Lord, Vader Cape, Anakin Skywalker, The 501st, Darth Vader Cape, Avialable on eBay.", " #DarthVaderCape #DarthVader #StarWars #ANH #ESB #AJedisRevenge #EpisodeIII #RogueOne #TheForce #SithLord #VaderCape #AnakinSkywalker #The501st #availableonebay "

2011 to Present • Designer TJP       website: http://www.DesignerTJP.com